Thank You Jesus For The Bride

Father, thank You for those who pray for others. Thank You for intercessory prayer warriors. Thank You that the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much. Thank You that because we pray for others, You send someone to pray for us when we need it. Thank You for the prayers that are prayed on a daily basis for each person and thank You Lord that You hear each desperate plea. Thank You for answering always!!! Thank You for always stretching out Your hand to each of us so that we know even as the Church that we are NOT alone! Thank You for every time that You rescue us from ourselves and the enemy’s attacks. Please bless each person that prays for me and my family. Thank You for rescuing me today. I really needed to be rescued and not only did the radio station people pray for me but a customer came through the line, took me by my hand and prayed. Thank You so much Jesus that we don’t have to do this thing alone or by ourselves!! Thank You so very much, Jesus!!! You hold the whole world in Your strong and tender care. Thank You for doing so!!!🙌💕🤗