Heavenly Father,
I come to you in the Precious name of Jesus. I amplify all those who are praying for this nation, this world to come under your dominion and grace. I pray for physical healing for myself, my mother, my father and grandmother. Father I give you thanks and asks that you help us make the right choices for our bodies, your temple. Father I ask and pray for that homeless couple to be blessed and to be graced in abundance. For those young children who seem to be lost and following a dark path. Father may you be a Beacon of light leading them closer to you. Father I pray for that young girl who is battling cystic fibrosis. May she be blessed with continued healing and live a life of abundance. Father God, I give you Glory and Honor and pray for our World Leaders. That they make decisions that make their people, your children live in prosperity and peace. I pray for your people. Your children and I exhale your name as I know we are unworthy but you continue to work for us and on us. Father God I pray for my mothers friend Beverly. She is enduring much hardship and tribulation and father God I pray that you bless her home with hope and prosperity. I thank you lord my God for your only son Jesus Christ who died for our sins and returned to redeem us. I give you Glory and Honor almighty God, in Jesus Precious Holy Name. Amen