Pray Psalm 84

Father, Maker of Heaven and earth. We were created for fellowship with You- to know you and to be in Your Presence forever without fault, pure and holy. It is truly the yearning of all flesh. Yet, sin has separated us from You, a deep chasm of darkness has covered mankind. but, thanks be to God for His indescribable gift of Jesus whose shed blood paid the price for our sin and who gave us His righteousness. We have been redeemed. Thank you for Your mighty name and Your Spirit that leads us on the good path, going from strength to strength in this valley of weeping . Thank you for your Living Water, it is our source as we set our hearts on pilgrimage. We turn from the ways of the wicked and with eyes fixed on the eternal we overcome. We bless your majestic name, Lord God! For You are our sun and shield. The Lord grants favor and honor; he does not with hold the good from those who live with integrity. Happy is the person who trusts in You, Lord of Armies! (vs 11-2)