Father, Jeff came to church broken and intoxicated but thank You that Your house is a house of prayer. Your Church is a praying people. It is comprised of those who have the Holy Spirit indwelling them and leading them to those who are lost for Jesus did not come to call the righteous but sinners. Thank You Lord for Your calling, Your keeping, Your presence, Your authority, Your leading and guiding. Father, please help Jeff. Alcohol is a depressant Satan uses to steal, to kill and to destroy. Jesus came so that we could have life and have it more abundantly. Jesus said do not be filled with wine but to be filled with His Spirit. His spirit gives joy, peace, long-suffering, temperance, faith, love, meekness and gentleness. God, I also pray for Mrs. Nancy who is having heart problems. If she doesn’t know You, I pray for a new birth. Thank You for these divine storms that are meant to cause us to turn to You. Apart from You, we are nothing. Lord Jesus, we lift up every person who still has the opportunity to repent. We pray that we all turn to You for salvation in Jesus name. God, eternity is a long time to be separated in the fires of hell. Please help us. Please help me in Jesus name. Help me to wait on You. No matter the outcome. Help me to wait for You, Jesus.