Pray for elected officials

Dear Heavenly Father,
I come before you with a humble and grateful heart. I ask you to give wisdom to those who are seated in places of authority in our nation- President Biden, Vice President Harris, those representing me in the United States Senate, in the U.S. House, and those representing me in my state house.
Please give them wisdom on the difficult issues they are discussing and deciding on my behalf.
We ask that each representative would submit themselves to you God, the ultimate authority in each one of our lives. We pray that you would move on their hearts to protect the lives of the unborn, uphold religious freedom, and recognize family and gender as You, God, so beautifully and perfectly designed.
Help them to recognize rights are not granted by the government, they are given by You.
We pray they would use government to help secure peaceful and quiet living in our communities while respecting the proper role of your institutions of family and the church.
We know we are all sinful, subject to fall short, so we ask for an extra measure of humbleness for each of our elected officials to know wisdom only comes from You, Lord.
Please protect and strengthen each of their families, especially during times of separation.
We pray for those who do not know the saving grace of Jesus Christ and pray they will come to know You as their Savior.
We ask all this in Jesus Name.