Father, Ally is a 17 year young prodigal. She’s chasing things in the world that just don’t satisfy. She’s hanging out with bad company. Her friend Danny wasn’t raised to fear the Lord. Allie was and like the prodigal, she has run off to see what is so intriguing in the world. Father, please turn their lives around. Let them see Your outstretched hand. You are the One that each of us are looking for. Everything that shimmers isn’t gold and You said what does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his soul? It seems like Allie desires to fit in. Lord, please open their eyes to Your truth. You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can come to Jesus unless God draw him or her. Father, help Allison and Danielle to see how unfulfilled their lives are apart from You. You are who they are searching for. Amen.