Lord, we turn our eyes upon Jesus and the things above not earthly things. Satan always comes for the mind. If he can gain control of the mind and heart, so much can go wrong. Father in Jesus name, we plead the blood of Jesus over every leader who might be tempted to believe they have to solve every problem. We renounce the work of darkness in the name of Jesus. The Bible says some trust in horses and some trust in chariots but we trust in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We pray against pride and arrogance and we ask for a spirit of humility. We say let God arise and His enemies be scattered. We pray that every leader would turn to Jesus for the salvation of their souls. You do not delight in the destruction of the wicked. Your desire is that everyone is saved. Lord, You wrote the Bible to warn us what would happen but also so that we could pray for the salvation of everyone. You are long-suffering. You are patient. Jesus gives new mercies every morning. Lord, pour out Your Spirit in this hour. Rescue those who are burdened and heavy laden. Jesus paid it all. He’s the only perfect sacrifice. Lord, open hearts so that they can receive You for the sake of their eternity. You said heaven and earth would pass away but Your words will not. God, teach us to love and pray without ceasing. Help us to share the Good News. Hell is for eternity. Lord, create in us clean hearts and renew right spirits within us. Change us from the inside out in Jesus name.