Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Your name is Wonderful, Counselor, Creator, Shepherd, Light of the world, Bread of Heaven, Prince of Peace, Immanuel, Son of God, Son of Man, King of Kings, Supreme Ruler, The Word of God that became flesh to dwell among us. Holy is Your Name. We are still in Your Presence. We cease striving. You say, be still and know that I AM God.
Be exalted in our heart each day. Be exalted in our families and neighborhoods and workplaces. Be exalted in our cities, states, and nation and to the ends of the earth. We magnify the name of Jesus and Bless You Lord of all. We love You and adore You! We delight in You!
We ask that your kingdom come, your will be done through the work of our hands today. We ask that we will align with Your Holy Spirit and will be guided by His perfect plan and direction and timing for each next step, each task and each relationship for each day that you have given us life. And like Jesus, may we say my food is to do the will of my Father in Heaven. Grant me listening ears and eyes to see.
We ask that your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Our prayer is for the people of Des Moines. May their eyes be opened, may they turn from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to GOD. The walls of the city have been torn down and the gates have been burned and like Nehemiah we weep and mourn and fast and pray to the God of Heaven.
We pray Nehemiah’s prayer Neh 1:5-11. Lord, may your Church repent, confess their indifferent ways, be wholly devoted and consecrated to God. Forgive our divided heart and our idolatry. May we come to Your altar purified of all unrighteousness by the blood of Jesus and enter the sanctuary where Your Glory shines. We seek Your face. We pray for authentic worship to arise among your people. We ask for your kingdom of priests to praise, sing, shout, and minister before you ruling and reigning in their God-given authority.
Psalm 149, this is a spiritual battle. May we assemble together faithfully to Worship our King, believing that the strongholds will come down! In Jesus name, Amen.