Imagine that Jesus desires to be loved. He desires to be pursued. So many times we envision ourselves being pursued but if we are made in the image of God, He desires to be pursued. He tells us that we will find Him when we look with our whole hearts, our souls, our minds and our strength. We must go after God like our lives depended on Him because our lives do. He is our Way, our Truth and our Life. God, help us as Your children to pursue You with everything inside of us. We need You so desperately. I need You and at times, I reach for temporary things to relieve the pressure. I’m sorry for turning to idols when I should be turning to You instead. Help me love You and pursue You with all of my heart, my soul, my mind and my strength. We can’t even do that apart from Your Spirit because apart from You, we can do nothing. We are a helpless and hopeless people apart from Jesus. Help us to see You more clearly. Help us to love You more fully. Sanctify and purify us as the Bride You are coming for. We need You so desperately Jesus. I need You so desperately Jesus. All that I am and all that I am not is dependent solely on You. Keep me I ask Jesus from every false way.