Jesus Is Strength In Our Weakness

Father, You make every attempt to reach people. You created the heavens and the earth which all glorify You. You created the trees to bow to You. The birds sing Your praises. The mountains quake and tremble before You. The seas roar because of You. We, as people, were and are created for You and by You. The Bible says the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein. I trust Your Spirit in me. Help me to put no investment in my flesh but trust Your Spirit that is leading and guiding me. Be my strength in this meeting Jesus. Help them to see and hear You not me. You said the world is guilty before You and You will punish them for what was done wrong. I pray for ears to hear and that hearts of stone be made flesh in Jesus name. You said You are able to do exceeding abundantly above all that I ask or think according to Your power at work within me. You said You will withhold no good thing from those who walk upright. Father, I pray in Jesus name for breakthrough on this job, in the lives of my coworkers. I pray they would seek and search for You with all of their hearts, souls, minds and strength. You, Jesus, are the answer for it all. I know it to be true more than ever! Thank You for saving a wretch like me Jesus! Thank You for Your deliverance! Thank You for freedom!! Thank You for salvation!! Thank You for being God and besides You there is no other!!!