I Thank The Lord Jesus

I thank God for my life. I thank God for salvation through His sweet Son, Jesus. I thank God for living life as a human being to become the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of His children. I thank the Lord for His love, His Spirit and the fruit that bears witness to our Savior. I thank the Lord for every blue sky, every breeze, the green grass, and all creation that still testifies to His majesty and existence. I thank God for this brand new heart that He gives us as His children to rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS!! I am forever grateful for His love. I thank God that He doesn’t let me fall or allow me to feel like I don’t matter. I thank God for the story He wrote for us as His children before time began because He knew we would say yes to His will and His way! Thank You Lord for being our Light in the midst of such darkness. Thank You for allowing us to know that You are still the Lord and You are still in control. We love and honor our Lord Jesus Christ who is still the Way, the Truth and the Life. We cry, even so, come Lord Jesus, come.