Father, please be with them in the midst of this time of war. Ecclesiastes teaches us that there is a season for everything. We don’t know everything but Father, You do. It’s why You tell us to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and then everything else will be added to us. Lord, in the news, there just seems to be bad news. Lord, I know that in the midst of it all, You are doing things that we hear nothing about. Please show both people (Ukrainians and Russians) that You care about all that they are facing right now. Thank You for the presence of Your church in this world today. Thank You for those who are willing to put themselves in harms way to share the message of the Gospel. Thank You Lord for Jesus who had the iniquity laid on Him for all that is happening in this world today. Help us I pray to turn our eyes towards Jesus and to look full in His wonderful face. The things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and His grace. We love You Jesus for all that You are and all that You gave. Thank You that the sufferings of this PRESENT time are not WORTHY to be compared to the glory which SHALL BE REVEALED IN US.