Lord Jesus, please bless this beautiful family. Help them to know who You are. Because John saw such hypocrisy, he no longer believes. His wife Ryanna did not grow up going to church. Now they have Tyhanna who is so beautiful and very impressionable. Father, please put people in their lives who would point them to You. Work in their hearts. Help John to forgive those who didn’t live up to his expectations. God, we are all on a journey learning about You and learning how to leave behind our former lives. Moses was in the wilderness for 40 years. It takes time to unlearn things. Thank You Jesus for Your patience with us because it is a process. I pray for this beautiful family and their love for each other. Thank You Jesus for teaching us about love and that love keeps no records of wrongs. Love is more important than both faith and hope. Teach us how to love Jesus. Apart from You, we cannot.