Father, they belong to You. Please protect them. Protect their hearts and their minds. Protect their emotions. I come asking that You do what You know to be right. I pray that they would not be lost. The Bible which cannot return void says You set before us life and death therefore choose life so that we and our children can live. Father, You said to train up our children in the way they should go so when they are old they will not depart. You know every obstacle, every struggle, every temptation, every fall, but You said the righteous falls seven times but get up again. Lord, may our children always know You are with them. May they never question where You are or even if You are there. May the love of God always abound in their hearts and in their lives. May they be secure in Jesus and in who You created them to be. Help them to NEVER question You or what You are doing. You are the most secure foundation for everyone!!