I’m really in a battle with my flesh. Please pray for the overcoming power of God to be greater than this demonic stronghold. In my weakness, God is my strength. I feel like I’m constantly being set up by Satan. Please pray for me to always look for the way of escape that Jesus is always providing. Pray that I walk in holiness before the Lord. Please pray that I overcome and that I overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the word of my testimony and that I would not love my life to the death. Please pray for me to find contentment in Christ and to not be led astray by the lust of my eyes, the lust of my flesh or the pride of life. Jesus doesn’t tempt us but tells that everyone is led astray by their own lusts and after sin has brought forth fruit it then leads to death. Every man ought to have his own wife and every woman have her own husband. God, please keep me on the narrow way that leads to life that only a few find. Help me to walk upright before You.