For Lauren And Ryan

Jesus, please help me to shine bright for You. Please keep me as I have to battle against so many thoughts, my flesh, the devil and the world. Please keep me close. I pray for those around me too that profess to know You but they deny Your power. The enemy uses them too. Please give me the grace to overcome. Help me Lord to forgive. Help me to love. Please help me to deny myself, take up my cross and follow You. I bring You my broken heart and broken life. I offer it Jesus as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto You because it is my reasonable service. Please keep me in Your word and in Your way. Help me to not wander in this hour. Please hold my hand tightly. Please create in me a clean heart Lord and renew a right spirit in me. Please don’t take Your Holy Spirit from me. Cast me not away from Your presence. Apart from You, Jesus, I am nothing. I know I don’t ever want to be the person I was before You came into my heart. I also pray for everyone on this app who is praying fervently. Father, thank You for sparing Lauren’s life. Thank You that she didn’t die after her accident especially if she doesn’t know You as her Lord and Savior. I pray that each person in the bank would choose to bow their knee. Father, I pray for Ryan, Ryan, Tennile, Mrs. Linda, Lauren, Alexis and everyone else in the bank.

Bless and keep them too. The battle belongs to the Lord. We trust You Jesus. We love You Jesus.🙌💕🙌