Your Role

Who knows but that you have come to royal position for

such a time as this? Esther 4:14

The well-known story of Esther becoming queen at a crucial time in the history of the Jewish people has inspired many through the years. The Jews faced annihilation at the hands of their enemies. Esther would be putting her life in danger by speaking out, but her cousin Mordecai’s words gave her the courage she needed. He appealed to the timing of her part in this drama, ”for such a time as this.”

I believe it is God’s timing that you have prayed your way through this devotional. Like Esther, we are living in perilous times in which our nation is under assault from foreign enemies, and from those within who have failed to understand the critical role of the Christian faith to the greatness of America. It is a situation that cannot simply be fixed by a new leader, new plan, or different strategy. We need the intervention of God!

God steps in when His people passionately ask Him to. The most important thing Christians can do for America is to pray. In these days of distress, the Lord is raising up a people who will intercede with faith and fervency! You are answering the call. Pray . . . for such a time as this!



Pray for a clearer understanding of the days in which we live and how we should pray.

Pray for a spirit of prayer to come over the church in America.


Father, I am so grateful that You hear when we call. For weeks now, we have been praying for our beloved nation. Thank You for calling us to prayer and showing us how to pray. Give us an understanding of the times in which we live and Your purposes for our nation. We want always to line up our prayers with Your desires. Would You pour out a spirit of prayer upon the church in America? Show us that we are indeed called to pray for our nation for such a time as this.

Adapted from Desperate for Change, PrayerShop Publishing, 2012. The full devotional is available for purchase at


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