“You will seek me and find me when you seek me
with all your heart.” –Jeremiah 29:13
Can you even imagine living in a nation where we talk about seeking the Lord together as a people? It certainly has happened before in the United States. From presidents to preachers, we have employed this sort of language through the years to describe the spiritual longing we should have for our Creator. But somewhere along the line we quit seeking. Even those who should have known better did not pursue God with their whole heart.
God is not hiding. He desires to be found. But His people are so caught up in so many others things that we have forgotten our first love. We must repent and turn. It is time for another Great Awakening in our nation that begins with those who commit to seek the Lord with all their hearts.
Pray for a spirit of repentance to fall upon the church in America that would cause us to turn back to God and seek Him.
Pray for bold leaders who begin to speak in all spheres of life of the need to seek the Lord.
Lord, forgive me for getting caught up in so many activities and things that I have failed to put You first. Give me a seeking heart. Help me not to be content with anything less than You Yourself. What I ask for myself, I ask for the whole church. May our church services be filled with the weeping of those who realize how we have failed to seek You passionately. Help us to be a people desperate for Your presence and not content with anything else. Please raise up those in every aspect of life who will call for and model the seeking life.
Adapted from Desperate for Change, PrayerShop Publishing, 2012. The full devotional is available for purchase at www.prayershop.org