“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.” –2 Corinthians 5:10
We don’t like to think about judgment. But Scripture is very clear that every person on the planet will stand before Christ to be judged. Though our salvation is dependent upon whether or not Christ is our Savior and Lord, our actions as individuals in life certainly factor into things eternally in a way that we don’t fully comprehend.
How does knowing this fact change the way you pray for governmental leaders and those in authority when you recognize that they, too, must stand before the judgment seat of Christ? We are not called to be accusers, but intercessors. The picture of the judgment seat of Christ should drive us to our knees in passionate prayer for our leaders and many others.
Thank the Lord for paying the price for your redemption and that your judge is also your Savior!
Pray for the salvation of local, state, and national government leaders.
Father, I know that You are the Ultimate Judge over all mankind and that You have turned judgment over to Your Son, Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Thank You. Lord, I face judgment without fear because of Your love for me that brought me into Your family and forgave all of my sins. But, Lord, I fear for the many who do not know You and face a fearful judgment. Help me to pray for those who so desperately need You. I pray especially for those who are in authority over us at a national level. Their actions are so visible to a watching world and so often are contrary to Your revealed Word. Bring conviction of sin and draw them near to You that they might face judgment with the peace of Christ in their hearts.
Adapted from Desperate for Change, PrayerShop Publishing, 2012. The full devotional is available for purchase at www.prayershop.org