Miracle Time in the Valley

People are oftentimes fascinated by either contemplating or pursuing to hike to the summit or the mountaintop. However, not often do you hear of people who delight spending time in the valley of life.

Ezekiel 37 is the chapter where the setting for the great story of the dry bones appears in the Scripture. Notice how the prophet was “in the middle of the valley”. It was very dry and God asks the prophet as to his opinion regarding the capacity of the bones to live. Our faith really does matter to God!

Perhaps you are in the midst of a very dry season these days in your life. Be encouraged … there is hope! For where there is dryness there is also the possibility for God to move. So was the case in the middle of this valley. God is not only the creator of life but He also has the ability to sustain or in this case bring renewal of life.

This story reveals how God speaks, uses our cooperation, and moves to make the miraculous happen. Revival is possible … on a national scale, or a corporate church scale, in an individual congregation … but it must begin in a single heart.

Notice in this passage how there were a great number of dry bones. Oftentimes “many” are without hope. But God – He desires to breathe afresh into our dryness and bring revival. Are you ready for a fresh breathe of God? How is your faith? Are you ready to do your part to see God move afresh in a reviving way?

He is just as able to do this in your life today as He was in this old dry valley.

Remember – it is miracle time in the valley!

by Dave Childers



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