Read Nehemiah 4
“Then I prayed, ‘Hear us, O our God, for we are being mocked. May their scoffing fall back on their own heads.’” Nehemiah 4:4
As Nehemiah and the Israelite families worked side by side diligently contributing in some way to build the wall surrounding God’s city of Jerusalem, the leadership of Samaria opposed them. They accused Nehemiah of rebelling against the king, and they mocked the Jewish people and claimed that the destruction to the wall was too great. Their accusers attempted to dissuade any further building of the wall.
How did Nehemiah, the leader of God’s people respond? He prayed. He prayed immediately. He took his need directly to the Lord in prayer. He had no harsh words against his accusers. He had no vengeance taken out on the Samaritan army officers. He simply talked to God on behalf of the assignment he had been given and asked for justice to be done. Nehemiah continued to pursue the vision of God and led the people of God to persevere in their task.
When we are involved in God’s work, we too should expect opposition, but remember Jesus has overcome this world! “So if you are suffering according to God’s will, keep on doing what is right, and trust yourself to the God who made you, for he will never fail you.” 1 Peter 4:19
Prayer: Father, our soul cries out to you on behalf of the Church of Jesus Christ. Everywhere we look we see ridicule from the world and discouragement from within. Teach us from your servant Nehemiah’s life, how to respond in times of injustice and to continue the work of the kingdom. In Jesus name, Amen.