A Prayer For MLK Day and Inauguration Day

Lord, we praise You first as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You are
the first and utmost authority in heaven and earth as well as in our hearts
and homes. In honor and prayer, we celebrate those who hear Your call on
their lives and obey You even in great sacrifice or the shadow of death, but
our worship belongs to You alone.

Thank you for the life and sacrifice of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and all
who stood with him for righteousness in a righteous manner. May we never
engage in or excuse sin for the sake of a cause in the name of Christ.

We pray now for all who You have called to serve in our government from
our President to Congress, throughout the White House and the Capitol,
in the courts across our country, and all You have established with
governmental authority in our states, cities, and districts. We pray they will
seek You always and serve under Your authority, anointing, and
appointment. Preserve and protect them from any earthly agenda
whispered by the enemy that leads us into wickedness apart from Your
Word, will, and ways. We commit to pray fervently for them and serve
beside them to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with You.
Deliver us from evil, as You engage and equip us to stand together and
fight the good fight, spreading Your gospel and making disciples
throughout our days.

Please guide and guard their hearts, families, and staff as You strengthen
these leaders to stand and serve, knowing Your Word will guide them, Your
lovingkindness will hold them up, and Your comfort and courage will
delight their soul.

May they lead as You lead them. In the mighty and matchless name of
Jesus we pray, Amen!

-National Day of Prayer resource


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