“But Ruth said, ‘Do not urge me to leave you or to return from
following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will
lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God.
Where you die I will die, and there will I be buried. May the LORD do
so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you.'” Ruth 1:16-17
Ruth’s statement in verse 16-17 has always had an impact on
me. It is a statement declaring profound love and devotion in
the face of difficult circumstances with little to no hope for the
future. A closer look reveals that this love and devotion is not
only directed towards Naomi, but is also directed toward the
Lord, or Yahweh (v17). With no promises from God, Ruth plants
her fl ag and declares her loyalty, affections, devotion, and her
future to the Lord. It was a future that would lead her to Boaz
and the continuation of the earthly family lineage of Jesus.
As we look to choose our leaders, we must look for men and
women who exhibit qualities of deep loyalty, love, and devotion
to the Lord. Ruth’s example teaches us that in challenging times,
when there seems to be little hope, our commitment to God is
our foundation. Ruth’s commitment wasn’t based on immediate
rewards or assurances. Instead, it was a profound act of faith,
trusting that God’s plan would unfold in due time. In our leaders,
we should look for this same depth of faith – a faith that goes beyond personal gain and popularity, a faith that leans on God’s
guidance even when the path seems uncertain.
Just as Ruth’s devotion led her to play a vital role in God’s
larger plan, our leaders’ commitment to God can impact the
direction of our nation.
Father, as we evaluate potential leaders, we pray for
discernment, seeking those whose hearts are aligned with
God’s will, and who demonstrate a resilient faith in the face of
challenges. We seek those whose hearts are submitted to You
and Your will. And Father, we pray that the body of Christ may
shine her light in faithful love and devotion to You, so that many
would follow. In Jesus’ name, Amen.