“Go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow. They must wash their clothes 11 and be prepared by the third day, for on the third day the Lord will come down on Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people.” Exodus 19:10,11
“Joshua told the people, ‘Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you.’” –Joshua 3:5
Who of us would not like to see the Lord do amazing things in our midst? We certainly need that supernatural work of God in our nation today. Our nation desperately needs a consecrated church, a people set aside for the Lord’s purposes. We are the way God has chosen to communicate His will to nations. But if we are not a consecrated, holy people, the communication becomes garbled and mixed with our unholiness. As you pray today, would you consecrate yourself, so that we might see the Lord do amazing things in our midst?
Repent of a lack of consecration and purpose in your life.
Pray for a spirit of consecration an holiness to come upon the church in America.
Father, I am so grieved over my lack of consecration. I have believed and loved You, but I’ve been trying to do Your work in my own strength, and so often for my own purposes. In the name of Jesus, I consecrate myself unto Your purposes. Here I am, Lord. Use me as You will. And what I pray for myself, I pray for Your church. Lord, help us to be holy. Our nation desperately needs a holy people to speak Your Word in these days. Pour out Your Holy Spirit upon us that we might be empowered to be used by You. Lord, we need You to do amazing things in our midst.
Adapted from Desperate for Change, PrayerShop Publishing, 2012. The full devotional is available for purchase at www.prayershop.org