A prayer for reading God’s Word

God, Thank You for showing me the paths that lead to life. I am so grateful that I can experience joy in Your presence forever! Help me to live in a manner that is worthy of the calling to which You have called me by spending time in Your Word. I never want to forget that having access to Scripture is a gift. So please make me eager to read Your words. Reveal Your will to me as I spend time in Your presence. Teach me Your word, which is truth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Let us commit to fervently pray for our nation and its leadership.

For Savvy

Father she’s in pain. Please protect her I pray in Jesus name. Please let her know You care so much about all she’s enduring.


Heavenly Father, I pray that during the quiet and still moments where Becca and her family’s minds are racing and their hearts are in pain , that you would help them to feel at peace. Praying for their unborn baby.

For Becca and her family and the unborn baby girl diagnosed with Edward’s Syndrome.


Father, I believe in you and trust in Jesus Christ and ask for a fresh anointing of your Holy Spirit. Your Scripture says, “So he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.”


For Michelle, Missy And Their Children

Father, my prayer is for their surrender. They have children. Those children have souls. They need to know You. God whatever the strongholds, please give us the strength to let go trusting in Your love. Thank You for every opportunity we have to share and to be salt and light for Your glory, Your honor and Your praise. Thank You Jesus.

Pray to end abortion and ask for the protection of the Lord’s children at all stages of life.


Dear Lord Jesus, we believe You are Mighty! We surrender our lives, hope, and season into Your hands. We trust
that Your way is higher than ours and it is for our good. Holy Spirit, remind us when we start to drift away from You, and guide us always to stay faithful to walk in Your path. You reign forever.
We prophesy healing and dry bones to live in Jesus’ name! Amen.

For Dylan, The Marine

Jesus, his life is in turmoil and this is the perfect place for You to meet him. You came for me as my life fell apart and I could do nothing to stop it. You rescued me Jesus and for that I thank You. Please rescue Dylan. He was in tears. He doesn’t know what to do which is the perfect opportunity for You. When we come to the end of ourselves, YOU CAN HELP US and YOU MEET US THERE. Thank You Jesus.

For Alberta G

Father, thank You for her ministry. Thank You for Your faithfulness in her life. Thank You that You ALWAYS leave the 99 for the 1. Thank You that You are the Lord and besides You there really is no one else. Help us to continue to trust in You with all of our hearts. May we not lean to our own understanding. In all of our ways, we simply acknowledge You knowing that You are directing our paths. Father, be glorified we pray in Jesus name.